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What is Integrated EFTPOS?



What is Integrated EFTPOS?

What is integrated EFTPOS?

Integrated EFTPOS allows your point-of-sale (POS) system to communicate directly with your EFTPOS terminal, eliminating double-handling of customer payments at the checkout. 

Having an integrated system automates the transfer of payment information directly to your payment terminal. This in turn reduces the risk of staff making mistakes, enables for faster checkout, and provides opportunities to personalise your service to the customer — all of which contribute to a positive experience with your brand. 

Looking for ways to fine tune your business systems? As your business matures, it makes sense to refine systems and processes to facilitate growth and cultivate customer loyalty. Integrated EFTPOS is an easy way to reduce errors and enhance the checkout experience for your customers — all while saving you time.

Ready to seamlessly connect your payments?

Do you need integrated EFTPOS?

When you run a business, every moment with your customer is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression. The moment of checkout can often be the final chance to establish a positive connection with a customer and leave an impression that keeps them coming back for more, and referring other customers your way.

If you use a POS in your business to ring up sales, take bookings, track inventory or manage customer information, then integrated EFTPOS is a logical and practical way to upgrade your systems. Faster, safer and more accurate, integrated payment streamlines the entire process, freeing you up to focus on making the transaction memorable for your customer.

Here are some great reasons why you should consider introducing integrated EFTPOS in your business. 

Integrated EFTPOS will save you time (and money)

At the heart of integrated EFTPOS is automated communication between your devices. With a tap of a button on your register, payment details are automatically transferred to your EFTPOS terminal, ready for your customer to tap, dip or swipe to quickly pay and be on their way. 

There are many time-saving benefits to integrated EFTPOS for you, your employees and your customers. 

Firstly, automated communication reduces the likelihood of input errors at checkout. Human data entry errors during checkout can be costly and time consuming to correct, and can leave your customers feeling frustrated and anxious. Integrated EFTPOS eliminates this risk, boosting customer confidence, and encouraging repeat business. 

Integrated payments also allow you to gain valuable time efficiencies. You can serve more customers, faster than ever, by removing unnecessary steps in the payment process. Whether you use a touch screen or a barcode scanner, integrated EFTPOS allows data to be pulled directly from your system, reducing waiting times at the checkout.

You’ll also save time at the end of the day. Thanks to two-way communication between your devices, end-of-day reconciliation becomes a breeze, with payment transactions relayed back to your POS automatically.

Having an integrated system also allows you to make informed, data-driven decisions on business performance. At a glance, you can access your customer sales history, stock levels, and transaction times so you can better manage your costs and improve your customer service experience. 

Your customers aren’t carrying cash

As customers move away from cash payments, it’s increasingly important for your business to be equipped for digital transactions. If you’re not able to accept a customer’s chosen method of payment, they will move on to a business that can. Integrated EFTPOS is a reliable system for accepting digital payments, including contactless cards and digital wallets. 

The beauty of integrated EFTPOS is that you can access real-time transaction data, giving you better visibility of your day’s takings throughout the day. The days of counting cash drawers and reconciling paper invoices are long over. 

Customers expect more these days

Whether you run a retail store, a restaurant, a hairdresser, or something different entirely, there’s more to keeping customers happy than pricing. Likewise, a good integrated POS system provides more than a mechanism for collecting payment. By choosing the right system for your business, you can unlock powerful integrations that can save you time, money and help you to deliver an exemplary experience to your valued customers. 

When selecting a POS system, consider the customer journey and how your integrated system can improve the way a customer does business with you. Does your system allow you to maintain customer profiles, track their purchase history and recall past interactions? These in-depth customer insights are what can transform a good experience into an incredible one, and drive customers to return to your business time and again. 

When selecting a POS system for your business, focus on factors which can enhance your customer’s experience, as well as boost your productivity, such as ease of use, transaction speed, and reliability.

Building and growing a profitable business has a lot to do with making your customer feel valued. With integrated EFTPOS, you can tailor your customers’ experience right up until the moment of payment by providing a speedy, seamless transaction experience which allows people to pay the way they want, when they want, without having to wait.

Bouvardia Case Study-2022 08-supporting image-01 (2)

“Whether it’s at the table or the bar, we can just hit a button on our POS and it pops up on Zeller Terminal. It looks beautiful, and the graphics are fantastic. All customers have to do is tap and go. Transactions, receipts and refunds are easy.”

Dom Garreffa, Pomelo and Bouvardia

It’s more hygienic

COVID-19 has changed the world, and hygiene will continue to play an important role in maintaining staff safety and consumer confidence. 

Integrated EFTPOS is an easy way to cut down unnecessary contact between your staff and customers by automatically pushing payment data to your EFTPOS terminal. With integrated systems, social distancing can be maintained without the need to pass terminals back and forth. Faster transaction times means that customers are also spending less time in queues, reducing unnecessary social contact with other customers. 

Streamline your payments with Zeller

Choosing the right integrated system for your needs will depend on your business — but if you want to scale your business, look for a POS with quality reporting, first class support and reliable handling. Zeller integrates with over 600 point-of-sale (POS) systems — including leading solutions such as Zii, Abacus, Lightspeed Retail (X-Series), ImposRedcatOrderMate and Erply, plus a long list of others to service a wide range of business verticals and sizes. There's an integrated solution for every type and size of business.

Current Zeller merchants, reach out to our Support team to discuss getting your business set up with an integrated EFTPOS solution via your POS system’s page on the Zeller Partner Hub. If you’re new to Zeller, fill out this form and our Sales team will be in touch.

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